Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Morality schmorality.

Given that Beckyboo and Ritchieroo are soon about to “do the right thing”, I’ve been thinking a lot about morality recently.

The other day we had an event instore with lots of kids making cardboard spiders. It was much fun, albeit tiring. Plus I got a chance to talk to small children and give them sweets without being arrested. As a stubbly Asian man aged between 20-35, any day that passes by without being arrested is, well, once less day without being arrested.

The little ‘uns are so adorable, if you talk to them in a reasonable manner they respond in kind. They are without prejudice….little containers of curiosity and wonder.

Later, a guy came in looking for the latest ‘arry Po'er book. I showed him the paperback on shelf (£8.99), but remembered we were selling the hardback for £2.99. Anyway I found myself wanting him to buy the paperback partly because a) I’m lazy, and b) I find myself moving on the slippery slope towards a ‘sales mentality’. I’m becoming jaded. However, I stopped myself for a moment, realised this, and gave him the cheaper one.

How do you stop yourself becoming morally jaded, and be more like the children? At some stage prejudice, intolerance, bigotry will find a way to piece their subtle minds.

Some difficulties occurred when construting the spiders. I naturally assume spiders are male, so I say “and, what would you like to call him?” during the crucial point of bestowing a name to spider.

“Rosin” comes the reply.
“Oh, ok” says I.

The next child comes along.
“So what would you like to call it?”, says I, bearing in mind the spider’s feelings.
“Her, what do you want to call her!” shrieks child.

I started to think about this for a bit. What is the generic gender of a cardboard spider? What would s/he prefer to be called. Doesn’t the spider have a choice in all this?


I saw United 93 the other day, found it very moving. However, one thing bugged me during it, and it was what nice glasses the head terrorist had. I really, really want those glasses. They were rimless, and kind of silvery. I mean it’s not the glasses’ fault they happened to be perched on the nose of a terrorist. I had this exchange with moody on tills:

“Mate, it’s a fucking shite film man, it’s invasive, fucking emotional terrorism.”
“- Yeah, it was terrorism.”

Stupid morality.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats the thing about glasses they dnt know who there goin to, and will probably be judged for being ' perched on the end of a terrorists nose' but we av to stay open minded bout then as they do not cause terriorsm only magnify the way the terriorist terrorifys