Woke up on Thursday (snow day) to the following voicemail from moody:
“Dude wake the fuck up maaaaan, god its snowing and I need to do a photo and I’ve got a great idea its gotta to be in the day so wake up man, fuckin hell, laters”
Turns out he wanted me to pose naked in the snow, the darkness of my skin contrasting with the whiteness blah blah blah. Anyway, I declined, but was very much up for posing. I practiced my intense stare, and went off with him to find a field of snow. We found a mound nearby, clambered on it, and began to pose. Apparently I can stand still very well. I must put that as a skill on my CV. I think it’s a combination of many hours standing at the Globe, being on my feet all day at work, and my increasingly mystical yogic powers. Incidently my body did something incredible in yoga on Friday. I can’t really describe it exactly, but let’s just say I was pleasantly surprised. And no, it’s not what you think.
Inspired by moody and my experience in the snow, I decided to take some photos of my day snowed in, as seen below:
Grillup in the snow

“Dude wake the fuck up maaaaan, god its snowing and I need to do a photo and I’ve got a great idea its gotta to be in the day so wake up man, fuckin hell, laters”
Turns out he wanted me to pose naked in the snow, the darkness of my skin contrasting with the whiteness blah blah blah. Anyway, I declined, but was very much up for posing. I practiced my intense stare, and went off with him to find a field of snow. We found a mound nearby, clambered on it, and began to pose. Apparently I can stand still very well. I must put that as a skill on my CV. I think it’s a combination of many hours standing at the Globe, being on my feet all day at work, and my increasingly mystical yogic powers. Incidently my body did something incredible in yoga on Friday. I can’t really describe it exactly, but let’s just say I was pleasantly surprised. And no, it’s not what you think.
Inspired by moody and my experience in the snow, I decided to take some photos of my day snowed in, as seen below:
Grillup in the snow
Unfortunately after its exertions in the snow, my grillup required reheating. The compromises one makes in life.
It was pretty hard to keep my eyeballs open while posing, what with the ‘snow blindness’, but I think moody was pretty happy with the results. He can do unique things with a lens, and to discover more, I went out with him at night to scope out some locations. After driving around and taking some shots, we ended up in the McDonalds car park looking at puddles. It was dark and cold, but he managed to get a good shot by a large puddle. Some figures in a white van began to pull into the car park. Sensing danger, moody quickly gathered his things. “Are we splitting?” says I. “Yeah, let’s be off”. The strangers sped towards us, and after me being doused by the van driving over our puddle, we scattered off into the night.
u make me sound like a photographic crime fighting bandit from hertfordshire... we must do it again sometime, ur genius of transporting water was enuf to make moody smile in quiet jealousy...
woop woop.x
Sounds like a pretty fun day, my snow day starteds of pretty good, then went kinda downhill and boring.
Your snow day sounded like sun, mine started of fun, but was boring towards the end..
Is this some kind of bizarre metaphor for something, or maybe a crazy dream sequence, or were you actually posing naked for pictures in the snow?
If so, stop it.
Yours Sincerely,
Mary Whitehouse.
Didn't Mary Whitehouse die about 5 years ago?
Hmm, what a waste of a good 'grill'. Is the politically-correct name for a fry-up now?
Who says I wasted the grill? All it took was a couples of minutes in the microwave and down the hatch it went. Although it had become a bit leatherey by then.
There's a slight but significant difference between a grill up and a fry up. A grillup consists of items like nuggets, drumsticks, maybe pizza, and various other grillable things.
A fry up is the other one (beans, shrooms, bubble and squeak, tomatoes etc).
Both, of course, are delicious.
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